Critical Illness Cover

Having sorted your Life Assurance needs, what else might you want to consider? One very important option is Critical Illness Cover. There was a time, before recent advances in health-care and the creation of the NHS, when a critical illness almost certainly lead to death. Often within weeks or just a couple of months. This is usually no longer the case, with those diagnosed often going on to eventually lead normal lives, after a period of treatment & recuperation. The financial issues are that the debts (mortgage etc.), and living costs do not go away. A critical illness plan pays out in a similar way to life insurance but instead of paying out on death, the sum assured is paid out on diagnosis of a covered disease. It is true that Critical Illness plans are more expensive than the equivalent Life Assurance, but on average they are four times more likely to result in a claim.

With this type of insurance it is vital to know what you are getting for your money. You need to be sure that a comprehensive policy is in force that covers as many illnesses as possible. Advice is essential to ensure that you are buying what you think you are buying. We have available to us the most up-to-date software to analyse every product available to us on the market. You can be sure that the policy you buy has comprehensive cover.

If you want to discuss Critical Illness Cover, possibly within a Life Assurance Policy to save costs, please give us a call, drop us an email, or click the ‘contact’ button and one of our experts will be with you shortly.
